September 2024 Newsletter

Reigning Grace Counseling Center: Who Are We?

Our mission at RGCC is simple: you. We exist to counsel and restore Christians, evangelize the lost, train individuals and churches in the practice of biblical counseling, and lead those who struggle with sinful and addictive habits to help, healing, and hope in Jesus Christ.

“For one will scarcely die for a righteous person though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:7-8

 On Saturday, September 7, Dr. Julie Ganschow and Dr. Jonathan Hayashi will offer exam prep for the counseling and theology exams for ACBC and IABC. This one-day seminar will begin at 8:00 am CST and will end at 4:00 pm CST. It is open to anyone in Module 400 or 500 or anyone who has completed the RGI training course. Registered students will receive an email prior to the seminar with suggestions for books and materials to have on hand for the seminar. 

You must register in advance. Hurry registration ends soon! The cost is $120.  Learn more about it here. 

On August 22 - 24, Reigning Grace Institute held its Module Four training in Kansas City. The students learned critical skills to provide competent counsel for couples and families, including training on communication, redemptive parenting, and the dangerous effects of sexual sin. It’s not too late to sign up and attend Module Five covering Cultural Concerns, which will be held October 10-12! Training will include teaching, case studies, book groups, and discussion. Reigning Grace Institute is a certified training facility for the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), International Association of Biblical Counselors (IABC), and Fellowship of Biblical Counselors (FBC). There are two options for Kansas City Fundamentals: Certification option and Audit option. Learn more about it here. 

Where? Bethel Baptist Church, 3700 NE Barry Rd, Kansas City, MO 64156

When? Meeting Thursdays & Fridays 6-9 pm and Saturdays 8 am - 12 pm.

We are excited to announce that in 2024 Reigning Grace Institute will provide a book study for all its students. Whether you are an online student or planning on doing the live KC fundamentals training, this book study is an amazing opportunity to grow and learn throughout the course. The group discussion will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8 pm CST. Learn more here!

Did you know Reigning Grace has Biblical Counseling blogs for both Men and Women? See below for the latest blog post.

Biblical Counseling For Women Blog

The Making of a Saint

What makes us who we are as Christians? I listen to many women lament that they are not the Christian wives and mothers that they think they ought to be. So these women decide that more Bible reading, more devotions, more small groups, or more prayer will make them into someone who will be Christian. When we “do” we leave God out of the process.” Read more in the latest Biblical Counseling for Women Blog by Dr. Julie Ganschow 

Men’s Discipleship Blog

Following Christ

“The word “Christian” does not mean “one who admires Christ,” nor “the recipient of Christ’s blessings,” nor even “one who believes in Christ.” “Christian” what it really means “a follower of Christ.” So, let me ask you; are you following Christ? Are you really a follower of Christ according to the Bible?“ Read more today on the latest Men’s Discipleship Blog by Dr. Jonathan Hayashi!

Kirsten Vance

Kirsten is passionate about applying God’s Word to hurting people, for God’s glory and their benefit.  Kirsten has a B.S. in Biomedical Sciences from Texas A&M University and has certifications from ACBC and CCEF. She works with the youth at her church, teaches a ladies Bible study, and is passionate about practicing hospitality and one-on-one discipleship. Kirsten has been married to her best friend Philip, for over 20 years. He is currently serving as an Elder at their home church in Texas and pursuing his ACBC certification. Together they have homeschooled their three children.  

Kirsten counsels via Zoom and in the Cypress Texas area. Are you in the area and want Biblical Counseling? Head over to the website today and learn more.

Living Beyond the Heart of Betrayal

“Has your marriage been touched by sexual immorality? No matter what sexual sin your spouse has committed, when you learned of it your life was changed. Your world tilted off of its axis and you realized nothing would ever be the same again. This is true, nothing will be the same. But it can be better. Sexual sin does not have to ruin your life or your marriage. It does not define who you are. This book offers the help and healing our Lord offers in understanding and overcoming the pain of a spouse's sexual sin. You will find the God who heals.”

By: Dr. Julie Ganschow

Want to purchase or learn more about “Living Beyond the Heart of Betrayal” and other resources? Head over to the website today!

At Reigning Grace, we see hearts and lives changed by the power of God’s Word and the work of His Spirit. There are countless stories of the abused spouse finding freedom from the control of the abuser, of the sexually broken experiencing healing and restoration, of the depressed and lonely stepping into joy and community, and more. Yet, none of these stories are possible without our partners. Do you want to join the mission today? Click below to find out more!

Have questions? Contact Us Today!

(816) 694-1677