September 2023 Newsletter

Reigning Grace Counseling Center: Who Are We?

Our mission at RGCC is simple: you. We exist to counsel and restore Christians, evangelize the lost, train individuals and churches in the practice of biblical counseling, and lead those who struggle with sinful and addictive habits to help, healing, and hope in Jesus Christ.

“His divine power has granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence…”

2 Peter 1:3

SAVE THE DATE! The B3 Conference will return March 1-2, 2024, with plenary speaker Dr. Dale Johnson! The theme is on Sufficiency. Available in-person or online. More information coming soon!

Did you know that Reigning Grace has Biblical Counseling blogs for both Men and Women? See below for the latest blog post.

Biblical Counseling For Women Blog

Just Rest

In the latest Biblical Counseling for Women Blog, Dr. Julie Ganschow discusses how we can and should just rest in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We do not need to perform for forgiveness. Jesus’ death was all there was because His death was all that was needed to pay the penalty. Now rest. Just rest in His lavish love and forgiveness.

Men’s Discipleship Blog

A Theology of “Accepting Reality”

In the latest Men’s Discipleship Blog, Dr.Stephen Ganschow discusses what it looks like to accept the reality of pain in our lives. Through acceptance great change is possible. The first change comes in the form of theological alignment. You are following the example of Jesus, by not resisting pain but accepting that God is doing something uncomfortable in your life.

Our director Julie Ganschow and two of our counselors Larry Ganschow & Jonathan Hayashi have an amazing opportunity to speak at the 2023 APBC conference in Tokyo Japan! This November 2-4th. This year’s theme is The Sufficiency of Scripture in Counseling. Please keep these three individuals in your prayers. If you feel led to give financial towards the trip you can here!

Pre-Marital Counseling: Preparing for Marriage

Are you planning on getting married? Whether you are getting ready to pop the question or whether you already have the ring, the date, and the dress, pre-marital counseling is a vital part of preparing for marriage. Our program consists of 90-minute sessions over a span of 12-13 weeks and will cover a variety of crucial issues for every couple to address when planning a lifetime together. Some situations may require a longer course of care, and we have found it best to begin counseling before engagement or at least four-six months before the anticipated wedding date.

Interested in Pre-Marital counseling? Learn more and apply here - we are ready to help!

Module 500: Cultural Concerns

Culture wrongly accuses the Bible of no longer being valid. Students will learn this is far from the case. They will learn about medication, collaboration with the medical community, and how it is to be an asset and not a hindrance to a counselee who struggles this way. There is also specific training on other cultural hot-button items, such as depression, guilt, anxiety, and the need for forgiveness to biblically treat the whole person, body, and soul.

Interesting in being trained in discipleship and counseling? Learn more today!

Nicolas Muyres

Nick is a Navy Submarine Veteran and lives in the Pittsburgh area with his wife and four children. He is a graduate of Liberty University and is a Certified Biblical Counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Nick is a student at Westminster Theological Seminary earning a masters degree in religion for the purpose of pursuing the office of pastor after he completes his degree. Nick’s greatest goal and passion is to help everyone he counsels to understand the love of Christ and the sufficiency of God’s word for all of faith and life.

Want to learn more about Nick and our staff? Head over to the website today!

At Reigning Grace, we see hearts and lives changed by the power of God’s Word and the work of His Spirit. There are countless stories of the abused spouse finding freedom from the control of the abuser, of the sexually broken experiencing healing and restoration, of the depressed and lonely stepping into joy and community, and more. Yet, none of these stories are possible without our partners. Do you want to join the mission today? Click below to find out more!

Have questions? Contact Us Today!

