November 2023 Newsletter

Reigning Grace Counseling Center: Who Are We?

Our mission at RGCC is simple: you. We exist to counsel and restore Christians, evangelize the lost, train individuals and churches in the practice of biblical counseling, and lead those who struggle with sinful and addictive habits to help, healing, and hope in Jesus Christ.

“ And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.  For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”

Romans 8:28-29

Our director Julie Ganschow and two of our counselors Larry Ganschow & Jonathan Hayashi are currently in Tokyo Japan. This past week they had the opportunity to speak at the 2023 APBC conference! This year’s theme is The Sufficiency of Scripture in Counseling. Please keep these three individuals in your prayers and thank you to everyone who gave financial to make this happen. Your partnership with us is helping spread the good news of the gospel not only here but across the world.

Did you know Reigning Grace has Biblical Counseling blogs for both Men and Women? See below for the latest blog post.

Biblical Counseling For Women Blog

Treasure in Earthen Vessels

In the latest blog, Dr. Julie Ganschow discusses how we have a treause in earthen vessels “ Like you, I wonder what God is accomplishing by my trials and by allowing me to be brought so low. I know I have been in this kind of place before this time it is deeper and different. God allows us to experience all kinds of trials on ever deeper levels to round out our character and to give us the ability to minister to others in their time of need.

Men’s Discipleship Blog

What to Do When We’re Prayerless

In the latest blog, Dr. Jonathan Hayashi gives us three practical steps on how to pray in your dullest moments. “Prayer is the most important thing you can do in your life. Satan trembles when he sees, the weakest saint upon his knees.

The Month of October was a busy one for Reigning Grace! We went to the ACBC conference, had our final training down in Albuquerque, and filmed case studies for Reigning Grace Institute! So thankful for all the Lord is doing in our Ministry!

ACBC Conference 2023

We were so thankful to be part of the annual ACBC conference. We enjoyed catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Our very own Mary Paas was recognized for her ACBC Certification this year! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and said hi!

ABQ Fundamentals Training

We also had our last fundamentals training down in Albuquerque. Congratulations to everyone who made it through the whole training program. We are always so encouraged to see more and more equipped in Biblical Counseling! Interested in getting trained yourself? Check us out here!

Case Study Recordnings

Reining Grace Institute provides valuable training for those interested in becoming Biblical Counselors. A part of this training is case studies. We flew counselors from all over the country to Kansas City to record case studies to ensure the highest quality of training. Learn more about the institute here!

Youth/Adolescent Counseling

Today’s youth face a variety of challenges and struggles. Each challenge is unique, and each one requires delicate, individualized care. We believe the best people to disciple and counsel youth and adolescents are the parents who have been charged by God to shepherd their children. Yet, we realize that this may not always be possible. There is no three-step approach to helping youth and adolescents, but there is an overarching truth that can be emphasized: God will never disappoint and no amount of suffering can ever undo what God has done for us in Christ.

We stand ready and equipped to help you get your life back to the place where it once again brings glory to God. Learn more and apply here - we are ready to help!

Matthew Munlin

Matthew Munlin is a Ph.D., Biblical Counseling student and an Adjunct Professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He serves as the administrator for the Midwestern Center for Biblical Counseling. He also works as a research and teaching assistant for Dr. Dale Johnson, Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Matthew graduated with an M.Div. and M.A. of Biblical Counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Want to learn more about Matthew and our staff? Head over to the website today!

At Reigning Grace, we see hearts and lives changed by the power of God’s Word and the work of His Spirit. There are countless stories of the abused spouse finding freedom from the control of the abuser, of the sexually broken experiencing healing and restoration, of the depressed and lonely stepping into joy and community, and more. Yet, none of these stories are possible without our partners. Do you want to join the mission today? Click below to find out more!

Have questions? Contact Us Today!
