June 2024 Newsletter

Reigning Grace Counseling Center: Who Are We?

Our mission at RGCC is simple: you. We exist to counsel and restore Christians, evangelize the lost, train individuals and churches in the practice of biblical counseling, and lead those who struggle with sinful and addictive habits to help, healing, and hope in Jesus Christ.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…”  

1 Peter 1:3

It is time for our annual 62.50 Campaign! What is the campaign and why is it so important for the mission and ministry of Reigning Grace? See what Julie has to say -

We are currently promoting the Annual 62.50 Campaign in hopes of raising funds for those hurting and lost in need of heart change for life change. This campaign is named "62.50" because we need 162 individuals to pledge to give a one-time donation of $62.50 in order to provide financial scholarships and resources to counselees. This campaign will support victims of abuse, those recovering from addiction, individuals suffering from depression, and more as we seek to provide them with sound counsel from the sufficient Word of God. We hope you will prayerfully consider joining us!

Dr. Julie Ganschow

A Word from the Staff: Why 62.50?

Biblical counseling is at the heart of the Christian life - transforming every aspect of the believer because it is rooted in the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. This is our mission. Yet, we need your help to see this mission fulfilled. Would you consider giving today?

Your gift of $62.50 will -

  • See relationships reconciled and restored with family members, friends, and most importantly, the Lord;

  • Provide financial scholarships towards those in need of counseling for domestic abuse, depression, trauma, and more;

  • Faith in God discovered, restored, and strengthened.

The 62.50 Campaign: Counsel to the lost and hurting.

We believe biblical counseling is a targeted form of discipleship. Therefore, all of us can benefit from counsel during different seasons of life. We offer counsel that ranges from “common-to-man” issues such as anxiety or depression to issues of deeper gravity such as abuse or addiction.

Do you want to partner with this mission? Consider giving $62.50 today!

The 62.50 Campaign: Training up hope.

Whether you are a pastor or layperson, Reigning Grace Institute offers biblical counseling and discipleship training that will equip you to counsel and minister to those who are lost and hurting. Our instruction centers on God’s Word - biblically-centered, not biblically-based.

Do you want to contribute towards the training of biblical counselors? Consider giving $62.50 today!

At Reigning Grace, we see hearts and lives changed by the power of God’s Word and the work of His Spirit. There are countless stories of the abused spouse finding freedom from the control of the abuser, of the sexually broken experiencing healing and restoration, of the depressed and lonely stepping into joy and community, and more. Yet, none of these stories are possible without our partners. Do you want to join the mission today? Click below to find out more!

Have questions? Contact Us Today!
