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- August 2023 Newsletter
August 2023 Newsletter

Reigning Grace Counseling Center: Who Are We?
Our mission at RGCC is simple: you. We exist to counsel and restore Christians, evangelize the lost, train individuals and churches in the practice of biblical counseling, and lead those who struggle with sinful and addictive habits to help, healing, and hope in Jesus Christ.
Only let your life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel
To all of you that gave towards our 2023 annual 62.50 Campaign, thank you! Your help will provide hope and healing for those lost and hurting. Your prayers and financial support are truly appreciated. Your donations are going to help:
-The abused spouse who is seeking freedom from the control of the abuser,
- The teenager who has been sexually assaulted and needs healing,
- The recovering drug addict who desires to rebuild relationships with family and friends,
- The lost soul who knows that there is something missing in life and needs to hear the Gospel for the first time, and more.

Did you know that Reigning Grace has Biblical Counseling blogs for both Men and Women? See below for the latest blog post.
Biblical Counseling For Women Blog | Are you Patient?If we desire to be mature in Christ, patience is something by which we should want to be characterized. This latest blog by Amy Santarelli dives into the reality of being patient and why it is a characteristic we should strive for. |
Men’s Discipleship Blog | Information Is Not Necessarily ApplicationCommunication is one of the most common presenting issues in marriage counseling. Do you suppose the couple does not know how to communicate, or is it that they communicate in ways that tear down rather than build up? |

Reigning Grace Institute will be headed back down to Albuquerque from August 11-12 for Module 4 training! This training provides in-person teaching and one-on-one interactions through our five training modules that can be counted towards certification through ACBC, IABC, or FBC. Want to learn more and jump in on the last few sessions? Head over to the website today to learn how!
Family Counseling: Caring for Our Relationships
Family counseling seeks to reconcile parents and children, siblings and relatives, when relationships have been fractured by problems. This type of counseling is helpful as the final stage of reconciliation in a marriage affected by abuse or addiction, or when there is conflict in relationships due to divorce and remarriage.
Does your family need counseling today? Learn more and apply here - we are ready to help!

Module 400: Marriage and Family
The marriage and family coursework focuses on biblical manhood, biblical womanhood, and God’s design for marriage. Students will also learn critical skills to provide competent counsel for couples and families, including training on communication, redemptive parenting, and the dangerous effects of sexual sin.
Interesting in being trained in discipleship and counseling? Learn more today!
Cindy is a certified Biblical Counselor. She obtained her M.A. in Biblical Counseling as well as certification with ACBC and IABC in 2007. Since then, she has counseled women struggling with marital issues, anxiety, depression, infidelity, trauma, and self-harm. She has encouraged women whose faith has been shaken during severe trials and times of grief. She has also worked with post-abortive women and provided pre- and post-marital counseling (in conjunction with a male counselor). She is also a USAF veteran and supports our military by counseling women referred by Fallen Soldiers March (FSM).
Want to learn more about Cindy and our staff? Head over to the website today!
At Reigning Grace, we see hearts and lives changed by the power of God’s Word and the work of His Spirit. There are countless stories of the abused spouse finding freedom from the control of the abuser, of the sexually broken experiencing healing and restoration, of the depressed and lonely stepping into joy and community, and more. Yet, none of these stories are possible without our partners. Do you want to join the mission today? Click below to find out more!
Have questions? Contact Us Today!